Skylights Montreal

Call us: (438) 492-1584

Professional skylights manufacturing and installation in Montreal.


The art of Feng Shui and SkylightsFeng Shui is an ancient teaching developed over 3,000 years ago in China. It is thought of as the art of arranging your home and office space in such a way to maximize the positive energy and diminish the negative energy. Through the specific placement of objects and spatial arrangement of furniture, you are able to generate the good energy or ch´i and repel the negative energy. Ch´i is an invisible life force and is the most important energy force in the Taoist belief system. Feng Shui attempts to correct the flow to maximize the potential of those living or working in the environment. The proper positioning of household objects will make life more balanced, harmonious, and prosperous. The two main branches of Feng Shui are the Traditional Chinese Compass School and the Black Sect Tantric Buddhism School. Developed by Thomas Lin Yun 15 years ago, the former has become popular in the western world.

From a Feng Shui perspective, windows and skylights are regarded as the "eyes" of the home. They need to be large enough to allow adequate amounts of ch´i to infuse your environment and not too small to make you feeling like a recluse. However too many windows are likely to reduce your privacy, making you feel sub-consciously uncomfortable. Excessive amount of light can also make you feel too active, which will result in energy drain, fatigue, headaches etc.

Generally, Feng Shui views skylight as the opening of your home that helps bring new energy in, and eliminate bad energy. When installed with respect to Feng Shui, skylights are a perfect fit for halls, kitchens, dining rooms, stairways, garages, etc; they promote emotional and psychological stability through the dramatic increase of serotonin production - body’s natural antidepressant, normalize blood pressure, increase productivity and benefit the the health overall. According to Feng Shui, an even or round, cathedral-like roof shape is preferable. Thus, for living rooms smooth dome skylights are the the best choice.

However, there are some locations where they may not suitable. For instance, you may reconsider placing your bed under a skylight, as this encourages your ch´i to dissipate while you are asleep while at the same time, the powerful chi from the heavens can have an overbearing effect. Placing the cooker under a skylight, may also be undesirable, as this allows energy of your food to dissipate. It is necessary to mention though that Feng Shui is more of a set of fluid guidelines, than hard and fast rules. Each person is unique and will respond to the presence of skylights in his or her own way. When in doubt, try it out! In time your inner self will tell you whether it feels right or not.

Lastly, the condition of your "eyes to the world" is also important. Feng Shui suggests windows and skylights be kept in order. So be sure to clean and repair broken skylights and windows as needed. This impacts the way you view the world so clean them up, fix them and change your world view! Do not forget that light is one of the most important elements helping achieve harmony and balance. At Skylights Montreal we devote ourselves to creating exceptional quality products that will bright light and comfort into your house and will serve well for a long time. Feel free to contact us if you need more information regarding skylight production, delivery and installation. We are always happy to answer your questions. 

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